Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today .... ... .. "INSPIRED"

Today i feel VeRy happy becoz i persue 1 of my dream..... When I still in Secondry School mY faTher said to me: "diantara km adik beradik mesti ada yang masuk universiti" i owez n still remember what my father said till now.... .... ... and i will not forget this date 08.mei.2010 i become a student again at Open University.. .. .. Thanks to God dat prepare 1 chair for me in University.. altho i'm JusT part time student... To my dad i wanna Give this Present.. tanks coz owez inspired me.. and here i am now tanks coz owez praying for me.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Today, im oso lucky bcoz i meet with someone dat really inspired when i'm still very2 young.. .. .. there been a long time not heard any news bout Him n family... He such a Quiet Gentle person n really have a heart toward God.. Owez Ready To Give What He Have to Help Other... This reallY inspired me..... and i said to my self when i'm grow up.. i wanna be like Him.....
When i meet him today, i approach him and ask "Uncle do you still remember me"... then we have a talk and now we are in da same place, same building and study togather i feel so so so Glad... Tankz to God For Giving me Such a Great men to be friend and inspired me....
Today, also When i attend da Taklimat for OUM... there some Word from our speaker that attract me...... here what HE said.... "We not Motivate Human, BUT WE INSPIRED THEM".. .. .. this word suddenly stick into my head and i still remember it clearly... i agree with him.. yes life is about inspired someone or be inspired... our life is short let do something that can inspired someone so we can move forward, achive s'thing in our life, and make life more valueable... God Said "Kerna kau berharga dimataKU dan AKU mengasihi engkau".. ..
so let take this time to inspired someone no matter in whatever we do......... bcoz we do not know... SOMEDAY Other person can be SOMEONE... kerna mereka telah di "inspired" oleh seseorang dalam hidup mereka........ ANd when you meet this people may 5 or 10 years later.. YOU will look above and say "THANK YOU LORD for what you've Done"..........

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


hye everyone out there.... take a break and read this article k ... although ni topik biasa2 aja, tapi just want to share hope you njoy it...
ni kisah smlm ni, saya tinguk muvie ba... 1st mvie saya tengok crita meat cloudy, crita katun yg mengisahkan makann jath dari langit tu hahaha syok jgk la... flint (watak katun tu)never stop try.. walau pn asyik ja gagal...
2nd muvie, layan crita alice in wonderland, wah time tgk muvie ni syok sgt koz ni crita zaman kecik saya bha, dlu tgk katun jak tp skang real manusia.... seronok tgk alice jadi besar, kecik, msauk dlam tea pot... fight dragon wahhhhh... syok...
hehehhee then pas tu i go n take bath la... perut pun jadi lapar la pla.... jam pn da kul 10.30.. so kat cni la crita psl saya pla mula... i plan to boil some egg bha.... teringin mok mkn... so i put da egg inside da periuk... isi air dan nyalakan api... so i when to my bedroom smbung tengok muvie lg.... hmmmmm pejam celik... pejam celik.. so i go n check da egg la.. wahhhh then im so suprise all of da egg hangus coz api tu terlampau kuat pla.... so sa padam api tu n angkat telur2 tu... i feel so sad.. n i throw da egg away.. hmmmm then i go to cont watch muvie n dun want to think bout da egg... hilang trus mood ni... tp tak pa mlm ni sa cuba masak lagi... pasti sdap punya.. cmpur kicap skit fuhhhhhhh mesti sedap kan.... hahahhaa hmmm DO YOU REALISE KA??? EGG IS LIQUID RITE??? BUT WHY WHEN YOU BOIL DA EGG, ITS BECOME SOLID AND NOT MELTING OR ELSE???? SO WHAT DO YOU THINK??? KEHIDUPAN KITA BEGITU MENCABAR.... FROM OUTSIDE ITS REALLY FRAGILE AND FROM INSIDE.. .... ... .. .. ITS REALLY SOFT.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SO EVERTHING DAT WE FACE... .. .. .. .. IS JUST LIKE A BOILING WATER.. .... .. .. .. BEGITU MENCABAR, N MENGUJI ADAKAH KITA DAPAT BERTAHAN SAMPAI AKHIR... BUT REMEMBER, JANGAN BIARKAN SEKELILING KITA MEMBUATKAN KITA RETAK DAN HANCUR... TETAPI BIARLAH APA YNG ADA DALAM KITA MEMBUATKAN KITA SMAKIN SOLID(KUKUH/KUAT) SEHINGGA JIKA BERLAKU KERETAKAN DI KEHIDUPAN KITA, KITA MASIH DAPAT BERTAHAN.. so tak kira apa yang engkau hadapi dalam kehidupan jangan biarkan apa yg skitar mu mertakkan kehidupan atau harapan mu.. tetapi percaya JESUS dan inside you is bigger then anything else... chaiyo2.. you can do it...... GOD bLeSS You all